Weirdbook No.16

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  1. WEIRDBOOK No.16 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on 11 x 14 coquille board. It appears on the cover of "Weirdbook, No.16".

    I wonder if other artists think about the kind of strange things that I do when I'm working on a drawing or painting. When I was inking and shading this drawing, the hooded man with the scythe started me thinking about the inevitable end that comes to us all. And that led me to thinking about the movie, "Blade Runner," in which Rutger Hauer, the actor, plays the role of a "replicant," a man-made biological human with a built-in life span of four years. Replicants are made to do the dangerous jobs needed in deep space projects on alien planets. Replicant Hauer has managed to escape from a work camp in deep space and return to Earth to make the creator of the replicants remove the four year timer built into his body. Replicants want to live at least as long as humans do, four years is much too short a life span!

    And I thought; how am I, how are all humans, any different from that replicant? Our lives go by so quickly, it's unbelievable! And like that replicant, I want to keep on living! A comedian once said, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!" He's right, living is "the" miracle of the universe, who wants to give that up!

    And I got real mad because like that replicant, I too have a termination date coming soon, and just like he does in the movie, I'd like to grab my maker by the throat and shout, "How dare you give me the miracle of "life" and then take it away so quickly!" And isn't it a bit cruel, to make me aware of the extreme briefness of my life on Earth, in a Universe that will continue to go on and on, forever?

    Anyway, whenever I look at this picture, I get mad!

    Until I remember that it was responsible for my winning the SPWAO (Small Press Writers and Artists Organization) 1983 Award for, "Best Cover Artist". (See also item 377, my Science Fiction Review No. 42 cover drawing).

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